Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Boreham on Finding Time for Yourself

Reference has earlier been made [12 February 2006] in this blog site to the way Dr Boreham overcommitted himself in his first years of ministry. Giving the ordination charge to a young minister F W Boreham emphasized what became a recurring theme in his very productive ministry:

Find time for yourself. Feel it no shame at proper periods to be doing nothing.
Make seasons for leisure and for recreation. Climb the hills; scour the valleys;
row on the river; stroll along the beach. Cultivate the friendship of the fields
and the ferns and the flowers. Laugh with the young folk and romp with little
children. Be at your ease. Let the mind swing into an easy balance, a natural
poise, an attitude of perfect repose. The restless soul, eternally doing
something, never accomplishes anything. It is the person who can sometimes be at
rest who produces the finest work in the long run. Find time for yourself!

Geoff Pound

Source: F W Boreham, Drums of Dawn, 62

Photo by F W Boreham of his wife and two girls. Location probably Taieri Mouth, near Dunedin, NZ, a favourite place for Boreham and his family to have time for themselves.