Sunday, February 12, 2006

Boreham's Influence on Gordon Moyes

The Rev. Dr. Gordon Moyes (and now parliamentarian) has served as Superintendent of Australia's largest church, the Wesley Mission in Sydney. In this capacity he has spoken to more people with the gospel message through national weekly television and radio than any other Australian preacher. Gordon is another person who has been touched by the Boreham influence:

"For as long as I can remember, Dr. F.W.Boreham was part of my life. I was first introduced to his books as a primary school student.... As a teenage preacher I used his books to gain ideas for sermons which- unbelievably today-were aimed at teenage audiences!"

"...I have read scores of his books. Over the years I have collected his works and have had some books which very serious collectors desperately wanted....Each week, in a very busy life, I take time to sit and read something for no other reason than the sake of my own soul- I read one of C.H.Spurgeon's sermons, I read a chapter in one of Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones, or a chapter from F.W.Boreham....All of these great preachers of the past are far too wordy for today and too dated even to use some quotes in contemporary communication. But they are still right for my soul. I must take their concerns and insights and translate them into contemporary speech."

"There are many thousands of people who now receive my written sermons each week throughout Australia and overseas and I know many preachers have used my material that I have originally published. I rejoice in that. After all, Dr. Boreham helped me on my journey. I praise God for his life and influence."[1]

[1] Letter from Gordon Moyes to Geoff Pound 7th May 1996