Saturday, April 22, 2006

So This Is Boreham: Part Seven

Perhaps one of the greatest gifts Boreham shares with preachers is his ability of story-telling. For those of us who stand in the pulpit on a weekly basis, we know the necessity of being able to communicate interesting stories.

Boreham excelled at this. Reading his works and catching the spirit of the man will benefit every preacher.

Boreham's use of the language excels most of what is available to the general reader today.

You will gain a deeper appreciation for the turn and twist of a phrase, the use of a properly presented adjective, and the spiritual truths that spring from the paragraphs near the close of a chapter.

Heed Dr. Warren Wiersbe's advice: "If at first Boreham does not excite you, give him time. He grows on you. He has a way of touching the nerve centers of life and getting to that level of reality that too often we miss. Some may consider him sentimental; others may feel he is a relic from a vanished era. They are welcome to their opinions. But before you pass judgment, read him for yourself and read enough to give him a fair trial."

Jeff Cranston

Image: A photo of the Armadale Church, in Melbourne (taken in the Boreham era 1916-1928).