Monday, April 17, 2006

Time for an F W Boreham Overview

Many readers of this blogsite have a long term interest in the life and writings of F W Boreham. I have received, however, one or two letters from readers who have little acquaintance with Boreham’s life. I thought it would be good to offer an overview of the life and ministry of Dr Boreham. To present this I have sought and gained permission from Dr Jeff Cranston, to republish a fine article he wrote for Preaching Magazine in Winter 1998.

Jeff Cranston is the Senior Pastor of the Low Country Community Church in South Carolina where he has served since June, 1999. Prior ministry experience includes serving with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries; he also ministered for seventeen years as a senior pastor and youth pastor with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and Southern Baptist Convention. You can find out more about Jeff’s church at:

In addition to serving as Senior Pastor, Jeff also serves as an Associate Trainer with EQUIP, (, training Christian leaders in Manchester, England, bi-annually.

I have carved this article So This is Boreham, into ten parts so sit back over these next two weeks and enjoy all the work Jeff has put into its research and presentation. Grateful thanks to you Jeff.

Geoff Pound

Image: Jeff Cranston