Saturday, October 28, 2006

Boreham the Song Writer

F W Boreham was a pastor, preacher, essayist, editorialist, biographer, poet, photo-grapher and also a song writer.

Sometime F W Boreham wrote the following lines intended to be sung at services of baptism. They were published in The Baptist Hymn Book (green edition). Note the Trinitarian structure of this hymn:

Eternal Father, whose great love
Encircles us where’er we rove—
By peak or plain, by sea or shore,
By crowded street or lonely moor—
Enfold within Thy sleepless care
Those who this day their faith declare.

Eternal Saviour, whose rich grace
Did anguish, dark and drear, embrace;
Whose sweet compassions never fail;
Whose intercessions must prevail;
Uphold, we pray Thee, gracious Lord,
Those who this day obey Thy word.

Eternal Spirit, whose still voice
Hath prompted every gracious choice;
Who taught our souls to loathe our sin,
And at the Cross new life begin;
Preserve and lead for Jesus’ sake,
Those who this day the world forsake.

It is sung to the tune Melita, made famous as The Navy Hymn ('Eternal Father Strong to Save').

If you want to listen to the tune check it out on the following address:

Geoff Pound

Image: Obviously reading one of F W Boreham's books!