Thursday, October 26, 2006

Boreham to the Uttermost Parts...

Thomas Spurgeon returned from his tour of New Zealand with a ‘shopping list’ from churches that were wanting pastors from Spurgeon’s College. On 15 November 1894 Frank Boreham was called into Professor Marchant’s office to be told that the College staff had considered a request for the Mosgiel Church in Otago, NZ and would Boreham go? A conversation was arranged that evening when a glowing picture was painted by Spurgeon of the opportunities of ministry in NZ. FWB had only done two years of a four year course. I wonder if a reduced course was a motivating factor?

Letters flowed between Frank and his parents. His mother had vowed to God after her son’s train accident that if God spared her son she would dedicate him to God’s service wherever that might lead him. She and Francis, her husband, gave their blessing.

The new Sunday at Boreham’s student pastorate, Theydon Bois, his call to Mosgiel was announced. At a Monday night service at Spurgeon’s Tabernacle where hundreds of people were gathered, Thomas Spurgeon introduced the pastor-designate of the Mosgiel Church and FWB gave an address outlining his personal testimony.

Interestingly, Boreham concluded his talk with the oft-quoted statement: “And it is my hope that in the course of my ministry I shall hold three pastorates, and then be free to travel in many lands preaching the everlasting Gospel among all denominations.” This hope was fulfilled so accurately.

On 13 January FWB was farewelled at Theydon Bois. On 24 January 1895 he and his family took the train to the Royal Albert Docks. Thomas Spurgeon was among the well wishers. So was his girlfriend, Stella, to whom he rather publicly planted a kiss upon her lips.

F W Boreham went on board the Royal Mail steamer, the Tainui and set sail for New Zealand.

Geoff Pound

Source: T Howard Crago, The Story of F W Boreham, 55-59.

Image: The Tainui.