Friday, November 03, 2006

New Boreham Book

Michael Dalton and I thought readers of the Official F W Boreham Web Site might appreciate seeing a preview of the cover of the forthcoming book, Lover of Life: F W Boreham’s Tribute to His Mentor.

J J Doke’s photograph appears in the centre of the cover amid an autumn scene. This is fitting as Doke was a lover of nature and, according to FWB, was rarely seen without a camera in his hand.

Michael and I are very grateful to Laura Zugzda for her skilful and creative work on this cover design.

Do keep sending us your names and contact details if you are interested in getting a copy of this book when it comes off the printing press or simply to be kept informed. We would hate you to miss out on a first edition.

We are already incurring publishing costs and would appreciate any donations you are able to send us.

Further details about notifying us can be found on the F W Boreham Book on Mentoring web site.

Geoff Pound

Image: Front Cover of Lover of Life.