Thursday, January 25, 2007

Boreham Book Update 25 January 2007

This book (see photo) is one of the reasons why the John Broadbanks Publishing was established early in 2006. The book is by F W Boreham and is entitled, George Augustus Selwyn.

The book has been advertised on ebay with a starting bid of US $274.00. It usually sells for at least US $500.00.

F W Boreham would not have been flattered about this and other Boreham books that are selling for such exorbitant prices. He would have been alarmed and disappointed that in these days people have to pay such high prices to read his work. He wrote so that ordinary people could read and benefit. He did not write for financial gain. Very few people know that the profits from his books went to establish and maintain the John Broadbanks Dispensary in Birisiri, Bangladesh, a health agency that continues today.

In order to make Boreham books accessible to as many people today at affordable prices, Michael Dalton and I established John Broadbanks Publishing. This is a voluntary ministry which is done in our spare time. Ten percent of any ‘profit’ that comes from the sales of these republished and repackaged books is going to Whitley College to support the training of Christian workers (a passion of Dr Boreham and a wish of the Boreham family). The rest of the monies will be ploughed back to make more Boreham books available.

We are extremely grateful for donations that have been sent to us, one of which came at just the time we had paid out a hefty amount to the printers of our first book, Lover of Life.

If you can help contribute to the other costs of publishing and ensuring that people don’t have to pay prices like US $500.00 to read books by F W Boreham, please follow this link, F W Boreham on Mentoring, for information on how to send money, as soon as possible. Thank you.

Geoff Pound

Image: A copy of F W Boreham’s George Augustus Selwyn (one of the few biographies that Boreham wrote).