Saturday, February 24, 2007

Boreham Blogsite: Treasury for Preachers

It is great to discover that this Official F W Boreham Blog Site is the Link of the Week on the popular preacher’s resource site, Preaching.Com.

Welcome to those who have reached this site from Preaching.Com.

That site in its introduction says:

The March-April issue of Preaching will contain a Past Masters feature on the great Australian preacher (by way of Britain and New Zealand) F.W. Boreham. If you'd like to dig a bit deeper into all things Boreham, a good starting point is The Official F.W. Boreham Blog Site managed by Geoff Pound, an Australian preacher and Boreham scholar. You'll find the site at:

Some popular postings from this site for preachers include:
Jeff Cranston’s (10 short installment) overview entitled So, This is Boreham. Start with the Introduction to Jeff Cranston.
List of Books by F W Boreham
Boreham’s Call to Connect with Ordinary Life
An example of F W Boreham’s popular biographical sermons is Adoniram Judson’s Text
Warren Wiersbe’s Rap on Boreham

Geoff Pound

Image: Preaching.Com Banner