It's more than thirty years since I first read the books of F W Boreham. I was living and working in the region of Otago where the pastor and author, F W Boreham had lived. Since then I have read all his books and then have read most of the three thousand editorials that he wrote for the Otago Daily Times, the Hobart Mercury and the Melbourne Age.
When I moved to Melbourne in 1992 I met up and became close friends with FWB's son and daughter-in-law, Frank and Betty Boreham and they introduced me to many people who were friends of Dr Boreham, mainly through his ministry at the Scot's Church, Armadale Baptist and the Kew Baptist Church. I was also working at Whitley College and one day fossicking around in the archives I came across two boxes of books belonging to FWB that had been donated to the College shortly after the old man died.
I have run the F W Boreham Bus Tour around Melbourne, finished off the book he was writing at the time of his death and have completed a doctoral thesis on the life and work of F W Boreham.
There's not a week that goes by when I don't get a letter from someone in the world asking some question about Boreham or a question about the source of an illustration from one of his books. As we move into 2006, the 100th anniversary of Boreham's arrival in Australia, I thought it was time to create the Official F W Boreham Blog Site to foster discussion on the life and writings of F W Boreham. Over the weeks, as my time permits and as interest is generated, further aspects of this blog site will be developed.
I welcome your statements about F W Boreham- how you have enjoyed his books, any research you have undertaken and questions and resources you would like answered and responded to.