F W Boreham once wrote, “When a man has been fifty years in his grave it ought to be possible to review his work dispassionately. The sentiment that is born of human fondness has by that time evaporated; and the prejudices that arise from personal animosity have died down.”
Next year (2009) it will be fifty years since the death of F W Boreham and for many reasons it will be an important year to reflect on his contribution and distil the insightful lessons from his life.
Teaching and Preaching
I am booking in dates now for preaching and teaching appointments in different countries in 2009 and I wanted to see if you (your seminary, church, conference organizers etc.) were interested.
This might include:
* A one off lecture or after dinner talk about F W Boreham (with his books available for purchase afterwards).
* Several lectures, perhaps for pastors and leaders at an annual conference, which take a Boreham theme. For instance, I have been working on a series of lectures to inspire effective preaching and communication in various media with the title, ‘Fancy a Preacher Named Bore-ham: The Communication Secrets of F W Boreham’.
* I also have spoken on Boreham and His commitment to Public Theology—getting the conversation about God out of the churches and engaging with the important issues that are facing society.
* I am not confined to Boreham themes as I regularly lecture in different parts of the world especially on Leadership (Getting a Vision for your organization, Leading into Constructive Change, Working constructively through conflict) and on Mission (examining the many dimensions that make up the mission of Jesus Christ).
* I am also keen to share something of the vision and opportunities of service through Theologians Without Borders and to speak about Creative Things that Are Happening in Theological Education and how this Creativity can be Engendered in ministry and in the seminary.
If you have anything from a vague idea to a definitive invitation, do let me know at the earliest time so I can coordinate the different appointments.
Dr. Geoff Pound