On the day of her death (14 June 2007), this blog site records a tribute to Ruth Graham and extends our loving sympathy to Dr Billy Graham and his family.
Billy and Ruth Graham often acknowledged the influence of F W Boreham on their lives. On their visit to Melbourne in 1959 to conduct those famous crusades at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (and set the record for the highest number of people at the MCG), Billy and Ruth visited Dr Boreham. You can read about their conversation below.
Ruth Graham was one of the few people who had a complete set of the Boreham books, such is the love that she had for F W Boreham and his writings.
On the Official F W Boreham Blog Site Rowland Croucher has left this comment about Ruth and Billy Graham:
"Ruth Graham has one of the best Boreham collections in the world. When I was a 'Boreham Trading Post' trader of Boreham books, I sold several rare titles to her. In addition to Ravi Zacharias she and her husband Billy Graham have probably done more to popularize FW Boreham in the U.S. than anyone else.Rowland Croucher http://jmm.aaa.net.au/"
It is fitting on this day of sadness and joy to record the Boreham—Graham connection.
Here are some of the articles that describe this important link.
Boreham’s Influence on Billy and Ruth Graham
Boreham and that Chair that Billy and Ruth Graham Wanted
Ruth Graham’s Visit to Borehamland (Mosgiel, NZ)
Geoff Pound
Image: Ruth and Billy Graham in earlier days.